sâmbătă, 27 decembrie 2008

why not? we`re capitalists aren`t we?

I confess I didn`t see the roger corman version. So this entire article is based just on the movie and a review I once read. Just to say it from the beginning the movie is just another Hollywood rollercoaster. Big budget probably, star vehicle for Statham , sfx bla bla but the important thing is that behind all that it`s actually discussing or at least you can see a discussion if you`re willing to go the extra mile.
So we have these private prisons in the future and they`re KEPT FOR PROFIT. And from here the obvious exaggeration for the entertainment purposes. You might condemn that in reality but why do it.
Why not actually do it? I honestly believe that pedophiles, rapists, serial killers(and America has it`s share) don`t really deserve to much. I was actually surprised to find out that this kind of people still have the right to vote and all that. So what should we do with them? Why keep them in prisons just to do nothing? Exploit them. Put them to hard labor or why not? Make entertainment out of them? If you honestly think this is to low just think of Dancing With Stars(Strictly Come Dancing(Uk)) too see how low tv can get and consider all that money that`s spent on prisons witch could go to health care, public transport, or housing considering that those people would actually bring a profit for the state and from here for the citizen. Think of a the pay per view system from the film and just consider that from each payer 5% would go for cancer research. See what I mean ?
Please don`t tell me about prisoners rights and all that. Prisons should be made so you should not do what you did there again either you`re sorry or not and by acting like country clubs you`re not getting that. Most inmates after they get out they commit crime again. But fear is a very special thing. Just think of that guy that decides not to rob the house because he knows what`s waiting for him in prisons
If anyone is actually reading this i`m waiting replies

marți, 16 decembrie 2008


In Andrei Rubliov( R: A. Tarkovsky, 1966, URSS) e o scena in care andrei s eplimba cu un ucenic prin padure si il cearta din diverse motive. Printre altele la un moment dat ai spune: nu inteleg cum poti sa mananci asa mult si sa pictezi icoane.
Eu am o problema asemanatoare. Eu mananc mult si imi place sa si si gatesc. Am o adevarata pasiune pentru mancare. Adevarul e ca in ultima vreme am observat ca ma duc la biblioteca si scot doar carti de film si carti de bucate.
Drept urmare eu nu ma pot uita la Bergman. Recent am revazut(oarecum) Through a glass darkly, Winter Light si am vazut Silence.
Si trebuie sa spun ca fiorul lui existential nu este si al meu. Eu nu m-am indoit niciodata de Dumnezeu( de fapt m-am indoit dar mia trecut de mult) si nu iau viata asa in serios, eu sunt un hedonist. filmele erau prezentate de un bergman batran si slab, eu nu cred ca o sa fiu niciodata asa (slab).
Filmele lui Bergman le-am simtit intotdeauna reci, si serioase, trebuie sa fii cu stomacul gol si sa ai o stare de disconfort ca sa le poti urmari, iar eu de cele mai multe ori nu am nici una nici alta.
De aia cred ca mie imi place asa mult Felinni, la el lumea traieste si sufera din motive mai adevarate.
Bine si Bergman e de inteles, Daca ai trai intr-o tara in care e vesnic frig, te simti tot timpul la capatul lumii si nivelul de trai e ata de mare incat in principiu prin simplul fapt ca teai nascut acolo nu o sa trebuiasca niciodata sa te gandesti la ce o sa pui pe masa cred si eu ca incepi sa ai drame existentiale.
Oricum acest prim articol cred ca poate vorbi destul de bine who I am and where i stand cand vine vorba de cinema.

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Carnaval la noi pe strada
august 2008